If you're in a distance relationship right now -

OR you're considering dating someone who doesn't live close to you -
AND you want to know how to make a long distance relationship work...
- This might be the most important report you see this year.
And even if you are in a "local" relationship - you still need to know about the changes coming your way that could threaten your relationship
Because if you're not in a long-distance relationship of some kind, chances are you soon will be!
There Has Never Been A Better Time To Make A Distance Relationship Work Than Now...
- 10% of all marriages in the US started out as a long distance relationship
- 14 million couples define themselves as having a long distance relationship.
- About 60% of distance relationships are successful committed relationships
- We have more tech tools to cross the distance than ever before, with video, texting, and social media...
Look, if you ever find yourself traveling more than an hour to go on a date or meet up -
You can consider yourself in a long distance relationship.
Even if you're not in a distance relationship now, there's a good chance you will find yourself in one at some point.

We've Seen The Impact Of Social Distancing On Relationships And Our Social Ties!
You may even have to relocate for a job, or for family circumstances
And many people live far enough apart where they may only meet up on the weekends
So you need to know how to keep his interest even if you're only on the other side of the city or county from him...
Let me ask you something -
Do You Know What One Of The Most Popular Relationship Searches On The Internet Is?
You might have even typed this into Google once or twice yourself...
It's even more popular today than ever
What's the search?
"Do Long Distance Relationships Work?"
The answer might shock you
But it also should prove that people are finding ways to connect and fall in love
No matter the limitations!
The answer to the question "Do long distance relationships work?"
- not only do nearly 60% of long-distance relationships last

Long Distance Relationships Are Actually BETTER Than "Traditional" Romances
You might be amazed I just made that claim - but it's true
And they're better for WOMEN above all!
Here's why:
- You have more men to choose from outside your local area
- You have more time to get to know each other
- You can slow down and really take your time with him instead of feeling rushed into the bedroom
- You'll have deeper intimate connection
- You can choose men of a higher quality and economic situation
- You can have a more balanced lifestyle - you'll have more time for yourself
- Better communication - more talking and communicating means you'll really get to KNOW him
And there are even more reasons...
Many couples even point to their time of long distance as being the foundation of their UNBREAKABLE relationship and commitment to each other
And even more shocking, with the advancement of the Internet, long distance relationships are not only possible and convenient
They can be downright EASY... -
Long-Distance Dating Relationships Are Often More Stable Than Geographically-Close Relationships
- HOWEVER - only when you know the secrets of making it work.
And IF you know how to avoid the most common traps
So if you're wondering about your relationship - whether he's close to you or far away
Or possibly HOW to find someone special over distance
Or HOW to make your current relationship work

Then it's CRITICAL to read the rest of this report
You're going to discover Some Important Secrets About Long Distance Love
Including how to avoid the mistakes
- and make your love work for as long as you want it to!
Most people believe that long distance relationships fail because of
- Fears and worries about their partner losing interest
- Or growing apart
- Or the loneliness of being separated
- or the lack of intimate physical contact...
But the truth is that none of those reasons are what make your relationship break
(In fact, cheating actually happens much LESS in long distance relationships!)
I'm Going To Show You The #1 Reason Why Most Long Distance Relationships Fail -
(And how to avoid this mistake)
So that you can have the relationship you want with the man you want...!
You see - Long Distance Relationships work GREAT for women -
- Time to build a relationship from a strong friendship...
- You can take your time getting physically intimate...
- When you do get together, it's much more special and connecting and romantic
BUT men need a special ingredient to make it work for them -
It's a special ingredient that most women completely miss when they start a relationship over distance
If You Know What This Missing Piece Is, You Will Create A Rock Solid Relationship
- no matter how far apart you are
You'll have him focused on you - and no one else
You'll feel the love and the desire for you radiating from him no matter how far apart you are
I'll tell you what this missing ingredient is in just a moment...
But first, I want to show you why this is so important for you to know -
Relationships Are In Jeopardy Right Now...
Marriage rates are on the decline
Most men are afraid of a hostile environment if he were to try to approach you "naturally" - like in a store or other social situation

And with measures like "social distancing," "lockdowns," as well as other restrictions
- you don't have the ability to meet men like you once did!
With so many people reducing their social activities, you might never get to meet some of the most eligible and good men out there
You need to be able to meet, date, and create loving relationships in ways you might not have considered before
And the best part is that if you can make the relationship work at a distance, it will THRIVE and GROW when you're together.
So by now you're probably wondering:
What Is The Biggest Reason Is That Distance Relationships Fail...?
Well, I'll tell you what it's NOT -
- It's not a lack of communication that breaks Long Distance Relationships
- People tend to communicate much more when they're apart
- It's not because of cheating (surprise!) because people don't cheat any more frequently in long distance relationships than in local ones
- It's not even because of the distance between you - or even the loneliness
The #1 reason why most long distance relationships fail is this:
He never got INVESTED in your relationship
You see, men need to feel like they are a part of a relationship with you before he commits to you
If he doesn't feel like he's got something to lose, there's no reason for him to not look around
But if you have triggered his investment in your connection,
He'll Only Be Looking For Ways To Deepen His Connection To You
You see, men hate walking away from something they've invested time, money, or effort in
A great example of the Investment Principle is when a guy watches a movie, and after one hour he realizes it's pretty bad -
BUT (he thinks) since he's already halfway through, might as well finish it!
He's going to stick it out, even if he could use that last hour doing something way more productive and enjoyable
Men Have 10 Psychological "Programs" That Make Him See It Through - COMMIT
These "programs" make him stick it out and devote himself
This is what makes him dedicate himself to a hobby
This is what makes him hold on to a stock (even if that stock is losing him money!)
And these 10 "programs" even determine how committed he is to a relationshp
These programs are sometimes called - "Cognitive Biases"
- and we ALL have them!
Don't worry about the scientific jargon here - they're just ways our mind tricks us to ignore logic
The simple truth is this:

He Has An Automatic Program That Gets Him Invested In Your Relationship - No Matter How Far Away You Are
So if you can run this "program" in his head -
If You Can Focus Him With His 'Program' He Will Stay Devoted To You!
That program is called:
Simply put - men value things we have MUCH more than the things we do not have
As the saying goes - You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone...
Let Me Explain How This "Stop Loss" Works - It's Really Simple
The pain of losing something is TWICE as powerful as the pleasure of GAINING something
Behavioral science experts Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman performed an experiment -
The experiment involved asking people if they would accept a bet
The researcher would flip a coin.
If the coin came up TAILS the person would LOSE $100
and if the coin came up HEADS they would WIN $100.
You know what?
No one took the bet!
Until the researchers bumped up the winning amount to over $200
That's right -
The results of the experiment showed that on average people need to gain over TWICE as much as they might lose
- BEFORE they will take the bet!
Men Fear Loss More Than We Love Gain!
We'll stay at a job that underpays us if it means staying safe and not losing
Here's an example you might be more familiar with:
I'll bet you've got some clothes in your closet right now that you never wear, but you also can't bear to give them away or donate them!
Why are you keeping those clothes when you know you'll never wear them?
Just in case of a fashion 'emergency...?'
Of course - it's because you already own them - and who knows, you might wear it yet!
Look -
We All Work Harder To Stop Losing Something More Than We Would To Gain Something New...
- it's totally natural
This psychology is everywhere! You see it all the time
When you trigger this STOP LOSS program in him, you'll have him eating out of the palm of your hand
When he's really committed to you, he will literally feel FEAR and anxiety at the thought of losing you -
If You Get Him Invested In Your Love, He Will Worry About Losing You All The Time!
So how do you get him invested?
How do you keep him feeling like he'd NEVER walk away from you
and make him worry about losing you?
The answer to this ANY relationship
As you know - long distance relationships actually work GREAT for women -
- You get time to build a connection with no pressure
- You can work on your communication
- You can really get to know him...
But Men Need A SPECIAL Ingredient To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work -
It's a special ingredient that most women completely miss -
Yes - that ingredient is INVESTMENT

Here's What You Have To Do To Get Him Invested -
1 - Make sure you have a way to reach him OTHER than texting when you're apart
(I'll show you how to do this)
2 - Make sure you know what his "magnets" are...
His magnets are the hobbies he likes to invest himself in
You see - men commit themselves to relationships ALL the time!
They commit to their relationships with their hobbies -
Whether that's guitar, or video games, or working out, or watching sports... or whatever.
When you know his pasttimes -
When you know what he devotes himself to, you'll know his "code" that makes him commit!
And the last step, the one that gets him invested you:
The simplest, fastest way to keep him connected to you and invested in you is to have a PLAN for how you make the relationship work...
Because I can practically guarantee you -
He's CLUELESS about how to move forward!
Chances Are, You Don't Have A Plan Right Now
That's okay! I'm going to show you the plan you need to make any Long Distance Relationship work -
No Matter What!
In these days of pandemics, lockdowns, and social distancing
You have to have an edge if you're going to win - and KEEP - the man you want!
I just put the finishing touches on a program that every woman needs if she's going to win her man for good
It's called: